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So far, the gorilla group is doing well. The absence of Bokito, their family leader, is still an adjustment for them. He played a vital role in the group's social cohesion. Without him, the family is trying to find a new dynamic. This has led to changing behavior; sometimes they are very calm, and at other times quite lively. The caregivers will continue to monitor the situation. The indoor enclosure reopened yesterday. However, the gorillas can decide whether they want to stay indoors or outdoors. Discussions are ongoing with the population management program coordinator about the future of Blijdorp's gorilla group.


After the unexpected passing of their leader Bokito last week, the gorilla group continues to do well. Caregivers will monitor the family's progress in the coming period. The indoor enclosure is now open to the public, but the gorillas can choose where they wish to stay. Bokito's absence is still fresh for the group, but they were able to say their goodbyes when he passed, so they likely understand he's gone.

Bokito was pivotal for the group's social cohesion. Now, without their family man, the gorillas are searching for a new equilibrium, displaying varied behaviors. The gorilla family sometimes appears calm and at other times quite lively. In consultation with the population management program coordinator, decisions are being made on the next steps for Blijdorp's gorilla group. Bokito's body is still being preserved.


Following Bokito's death on 5 April, an autopsy was performed at Diergaarde Blijdorp. The results show that Bokito died from heart failure. His heart is being further examined by a research group in England to determine the underlying cause. Even in death, Bokito is contributing to scientific research aimed at improving the health and well-being of great apes.

In collaboration with the coordinator of the European population management program, the future of Blijdorp's gorilla group is being considered. Bokito's body remains preserved, with parts being made available for scientific research and potential educational purposes.


Unexpectedly, gorilla Bokito from Diergaarde Blijdorp passed away on Tuesday, 4 April. Since the past Sunday, he had been feeling unwell. On Monday, his stool was examined, and he was closely observed. By Tuesday, his condition hadn't improved, leading to the decision to further investigate and administer fluids under anaesthesia. Unfortunately, he died during the procedure. The exact cause of death is still unknown and is being further investigated. The gorilla group has been deeply affected by this event. There's a profound sense of loss among the staff, especially the caregivers.

Bokito was born on 14 March 1996 in Zoo Berlin. He moved to Diergaarde Blijdorp in 2005 as part of a European breeding program. In 2007, he made international headlines when he escaped his enclosure. Over the years, Bokito fathered ten offspring and grew into a loving family man. He even accepted a foster son, Nasibu, which is quite rare among gorillas. He brought a sense of calm to the group and ensured a safe environment for all family members.